Register and create an account
Submission of request
Receipt of SLA setting the project budget and duration
Statistical and Data Training Request

This service enables customers to request training in the fields of statistics, analytics and data to build and develop statistical capabilities in these fields.

Service Fees Not applicable
Service Request Hours 5 Days
Targeted Segment Nationals in Government/ Semi-Government entities for Abu Dhabi and UAE
Service Scope Obtainment of approval for attending training courses
Service Code HCS-SRV-005
Service Type Procedural Service

- Electronic Registration form
- A copy of the front and back sides of the Emirates ID

- In the required information is incomplete and/or the requester s details are not clear, customer request will be return for correction.
- Unless otherwise indicated, entities are allowed to share SCAD's course material with other entities within the scope of the receiving entities.

- I would like to apply for a statistical training session/course.
- I inquired about SCAD service and how to apply for the service.
- I was informed about the steps to follow when filling out the request form.
- I submitted the request through one of the service request channels
- I was encouraged to provide feedback on my service request
- I received an email to confirm my registration for the training.
- I was provided with the training material.
- I was encouraged to provide feedback on my service request experience and the extent I benefited from the training
I provided feedback about my service request experience with SCAD

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